What Do You Do When You Make a Mistake at Work?

John Krautzel
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Everyone makes mistakes, and handling a mistake at work with maturity and confidence shows the company and your clients that you're ready to do what it takes to fix things. For best results, always maintain your professionalism, and follow these dos and don'ts for moving past your misstep.

Don't Hide

For many people, the first reaction to making a big mistake at work is to hide. It's normal to feel ashamed for getting into a difficult situation, and that makes it hard to face your boss, coworkers and clients. Hiding might feel good for a little while, but if you want to move forward in your career, it's not a good long-term solution. Instead, keep up with your normal responsibilities, and do your best to maintain good relationships with your coworkers and clients.

Don't Be Defensive

Another common response to a mistake at work is to make excuses, minimize the problem or claim that it wasn't really your mistake. This type of reaction makes you look cowardly, and placing the blame on others weakens work relationships and doesn't help your image. Honesty is a more professional response. Admit your mistake, and let others know that you understand how it affects them. From there, you can show what you learned from the situation and how you plan to do better in the future.

Do Use Healthy Coping Techniques

It's only natural to feel anxiety after making a mistake at work. Take the time to use healthy coping techniques to reduce your anxiety levels. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat right. Schedule some extra time at the gym. Plan a few relaxing activities outside of work time, and be sure to socialize with people not connected to your job.

Do Work to Improve the Situation

The most important thing to do after making a mistake at work is to try to solve the problem that your mistake caused. This might not always be possible, but there is usually something you can do to improve the situation. If your problem directly affected a client, take the time to apologize face to face, and offer to make amends. Ask your boss to help you develop a plan for improvement, and let coworkers know that they can count on you to fix your mistakes when they occur.

Admitting to a mistake at work takes courage, but in the long run, it's the best way to mend your career. After the situation is over, your boss and coworkers will remember that you're honest and willing to work hard to fix problems. After a mistake at work, spend your time at the office healing work relationships and improving the situation, and remember to relax during your free time.

Photo courtesy of jk1991 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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