Has Zero Tolerance Gone Too Far?

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Have Zero Tolerance policies gone too far? In a recent report from a Houston news channel, a 13 year old girl was suspended for three days for terrorist threats against a teacher. The math teacher, who was upset by the girl's terroristic threat stated that she feared for her life. According to the school's code of conduct, a terroristic threat is a level four violation, which is considered the same level offense as assault, public lewdness or selling alcohol or drugs on school property. Threats against teachers fall under the Zero Tolerance policy. These offenses have mandatory punishments and can't be erased from a student's record.
So what was the horrible threat? The girl pointed a “finger gun” at a teacher and made “Pew! Pew!” noises. For those who aren't familiar with finger guns, it is the very threatening action of point a finger at someone and mimicking a gun. Of course, couple that with the “Pew! Pew!” noise and it is clear that not only was this finger gun easily concealed, it also had a silencer. Otherwise, it would have gone “Pow! Pow!”. It is no wonder that the math teacher was terrified and concerned about having a teenage terrorist in their midst.
The alleged terrorist and 13 year old honor roll student said that she had worn an NYPD tshirt to school that day, and at the end of math class, she and her friend were joking that she was a police officer. In response to her friend, she decided to demonstrate her considerable sharp shooting finger gun skills. She says that she wasn't trying to shoot the teacher, but rather was trying to hit the markers off of the dry erase board in the front of the classroom. As she turned to fire her shot, the teacher accidentally stepped into the line of fire. Fortunately, the teacher wasn't injured by the finger gun shooting, but was understandable afraid. Take a look at the news coverage:

The teenager will have to face ridicule and embarrassment over this incident for a long time. Not only will she be teased by her classmates, but she will also have to explain this type of offense to a college admissions board. Isn't it time that we think about what our goals are for educating our children? We want them to gain a certain amount of knowledge, learn how to work cooperatively and to be prepared for college. How can suspending students for acting like kids benefit them? Labeling good kids as terrorists for cutting up in class is more than is necessary to teach a lesson and seems to be malicious, with the goal of punishing and hurting the child. The teacher wielded her power in a way that was sure to leave a lasting, negative impact on the student's life and educational future. Which action is more terroristic to you?
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By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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