Geek The Library- A New Campaign to Save The Libraries

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Lately, libraries across the country have been faced with budget cutbacks that have forced them to cut back operating hours, restrict the amount of services they offer and in some cases, they have had to close the doors permanently. Recently, in Seattle, the public libraries have shut down completely for a week in order to save money. New York City has even cut back on their library hours.


The public library provides a wonderful service to the community, and it seems a shame that they are losing funding and patrons due to a combination of under-utilization, lack of community support and a struggling economy. So many people have gotten into the habit of purchasing books at major chain bookstores, renting movies from video stores and online and paying for their children's entertainment instead of taking advantage of the wonderful services that the public library can provide. Most libraries, in addition to loaning books, offer a computer lab, job hunting resources, DVD borrowing, and extensive collection of CDs, story times and other family fun activities; all of which are provided free of charge to their patrons.


But, in the face of these cut backs, librarians and library patrons are fighting back. In New York City, library supporters held an all night “read-in” on the steps of the libraries across town. Many famous authors attended and read from their favorite books. The librarians' slogan was “We Will Not Be Shushed!”. According to one of the event organizers,

“We librarians have a saying, you can close our libraries when you step over our cold, beaten bodies, chained to the doors.”


Not to be outdone, the OCLC, a nonprofit library cooperative, with funding by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has started a new marketing campaign that is garnering a great deal of attention. The campaign is Geek the Library, a fun way for people to share the things that they “Geek” about and raise library awareness. The website offers free downloads and information about the resources at the public library. The idea is to repackage the local library as an information hub in the community. All public libraries, and their supporters are being urged to join in the movement and find out what others “geek” and share their own. Please take a look and see how you can help “geek the library” in your community.


I think that this a great idea, and as a long time library supporter and literacy advocate, I think that the library is one of the most valuable resources in our communities. Librarians are devoted to the idea that knowledge is a human right. It is free and available to anyone who wants to take advantage of it. In fact, librarians as a group are some of the most vocal advocates for the free exchange of knowledge, the right to privacy. They have been outspoken against censorship and, most recently, have been opposed to the laws allowing a persons library records to be accessed by the Department of Homeland Security. The American Library Association has long championed the cause of freedom of the press and freedom to read. They frequently hold “Banned Book Weeks” to raise awareness to the ongoing threats to intellectual freedom. We need these people and the libraries in our communities.


And as for me, I Geek Chick-Lit and Vampires. What do you Geek?





By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a freelance writer and regular contributor to several websites and other publications, a volunteer, a full time mom and an active job seeker.


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