5 Things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell You

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Now that school is back in session across the country, teachers are having to get to know a new set of students, and cope with a new set of parents as well. Although most parents are helpful, supportive and engaged in their child's education, the few that aren't can cause some big headaches for teachers.


According to Reader's Digest, there are many things that teachers would love to say to parents, but don't. I think most teachers will agree that sometimes parents have very little respect for the hard work that teachers do for their children every day.


Here are 5 Things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell you-


  1. If we teach elementary school- don't tell us that our job seems “cute”, and that you would love to spend all day coloring and doing crafts. I think anyone who teaches young children can relate to this one. If a teacher is doing a good job, it looks easy, but if you were to leave a group of 5 or more children alone with an unprepared adult, you would return 30 minutes later and see the adult in a corner crying from the stress. Never underestimate the creativity and resourcefulness of children under 10 working in teams.

  2. We are sick of standardized testing too- Groups of teachers all across the country protested the passing of legislation that would require more standardized testing for students. This isn't because they are lazy and wanted to avoid being held accountable. It was because being forced to teach for a test isn't the best way to engage children and foster a love of learning.

  3. Kids used to go outside and play after school- Now with homework, computers and tv, many kids haven't learned how to play in groups and settle disputes without the help of a parent or teacher. This causes many delays for the teacher.

  4. Kids tell your secrets all the time- money, religion, politics even Dad's vasectomy is all fair game for kids to repeat. Kids love to talk about things their parents say, and most teachers realize that most of the time, children may not have all the facts about the things they say happen in their home.

  5. Please, no more mugs or picture frames- At the end of the school year, and on holidays teachers are always given presents like candy or coffee mugs. A simple thing like a giftcard to Staples, Office Max or even Starbucks would be more appreciated. Most teachers would rather be given a way to buy things for the classroom than be gifted a stuffed animal.


So, do any of these sound familiar? What are the things that you wish you were able to say to parents, or the community at large?


By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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